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    • Marie Gibbons says

      Dr. Mercola is not necessarily the most reliable source for medical news. This is only one of a number of articles I found pointing out fallacies in his articles: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/9-reasons-to-completely-ignore-joseph-mercola-and-natural-news/

      His dismissal of herd immunity does a grave disservice to society, as it is not that long ago that families could sadly expect to lose at least one child to diseases that have been under control for decades. Measles, whooping cough, polio and other common childhood diseases were deadly, and may become so again.

      • Karma K says

        I agree that we have to be very careful and discerning about what we see and hear in this age of social media.
        We have to look at who, or what organization, is behind the information, and whether they are in it just to make a profit, or because they really want people to know the truth. https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/pinterest-bans-greenmedinfo-posting-natural-health-vaccine-safety-info
        What I have personally seen published by Dr. Mercola about vaccinations, as well as numerous other organizations that have come to the same conclusions, including the one in the link above, is verbatim published, peer-reviewed literature, and/or reporting on the biomedical literature. Many articles have direct links to pub med studies. However, we are not being told these things in mainstream media.
        The last thing I want to do is mislead anyone, and I definitely don’t know all the answers on this topic, and I am actually not sure that anyone understands all the ramifications of vaccinations at this point in time. But people need to know the arguments that are out there, and then continue the search for the truth. We need to be diligent, be aware of all the angles in topics that have many layers, such as vaccinations. And we need to constantly pray for discernment in these confusing times.

      • Judy Spady says

        Dr. Mercola is an extremely reliable source within the alternative, natural methods of healing which is nothing strange, nor new. Of course the biased “science based medicine” is going to try and do whatever they can to sabotage people like Mercola, Natural News, and others who don’t fall lockstep with the mainstream medicine fraud. Ask yourself who is pushing the agenda? Follow the money. The “science based medicine” is in bed with Big Pharma and it’s all about worshiping the almighty dollar when it comes to those mainstream groups. Mercola, on the other hand, is providing factual information on ways to get around the fraudulent and dangerous medical/big pharma behemoth.

        Instead of jumping on the mainstream bandwagon of bashing alternative/natural methods, why don’t you do deep research on the dangers of vaccines? Look up all of the kids who have died or ended up in a wheelchair from the HPV vaccine. Read the book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” which is a well-referenced resources about why we live in the age of a cancer epidemic where the government was responsible for bringing in the monkey cancer virus? Do the real work and ignore anything that is mainstream (medicine, news, etc.). Seek the truth!

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