By Carolyn Martin (CHEC Director of Government Relations)
Liberty or Chains?
In Aesop’s fable “The Wolf and the House Dog,” a gaunt emaciated wolf came upon a fat house dog. The dog tried to entice the wolf back to his house where he would be well-fed. The keenly aware wolf noticed the rough patch around the dog’s neck and after inquiring about it, the dog explained that at times he was chained and unable to move about freely. In the end, the wolf declined to go with the dog. The moral of the fable is: There is nothing worth so much as liberty.
Homeschoolers need to take heed to the moral of this simple fable. One of the greatest threats to homeschool freedom today is the latest push to use government funds for all forms of PK-12 education. School choice advocates would have you believe that taking government monies will not come with chains. Those who oppose our liberties and who wield a lot of influence and control in the education policy realm are saying quite the opposite.
Here are a few indicators that we are in for a fight to maintain our freedom.
- The National Education Association (NEA) 2022-2023 resolution B-85 indicates they do not believe home education can provide a “comprehensive education experience”. They advocate for all homeschool students to meet all state curricular requirements and for all curriculum to be approved by the state. They also seek to require instruction only by a licensed teacher.
- In 2021, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published a research paper entitled, “Regulating Public-Private Partnerships, governing non-state schools: An Equity Perspective.” Basically, it encourages tying all education funding to their global education agenda including equity. To get some perspective on the report check out this article.
- The Colorado Senate Education Committee voted down an amendment to allow private entities who take government dollars to maintain autonomy in what and how they educate their students.
It is crucial our view of these funding attempts is formed not only by learning from the past (see an essay I wrote on this titled “What’s Going on in Education?“) but also accounting for those who control the future of our education system. It will take all of us to stand for liberty if we want to keep homeschooling free from government intrusion for us and our posterity!
Will you join me?
- Join the Colorado Homeschool Freedom Team (HSFT). Make sure to sign up for the weekly (during the session) prayer emails which include action items.
- Become an ambassador to your representatives! Sign up to be a part of the Legislative District Connection (LDC).
- Walk alongside me and volunteer to be an area coordinator for the LDC! Fill out a volunteer application here.
Trusting in the mighty power and grace of Jesus,
Carolyn Martin
CHEC Director of Government Relations
These emails have always encouraged me. Thank you!