by Legislative Liaison Carolyn Martin
Vaccine Update
While the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has decided not to press for the use of a department’s standard form for religious or personal exemptions at this time, it is certain that a bill will be brought forth next session. It will most likely include mandating their form and forcing the usage of their centralized database. CDPHE is still pursuing the expansion of the vaccine schedule through the legal means they already possess. Our main concern at this point is the removal of religious or personal exemptions. Please, continue to express your concerns to your representatives about this possibility, be ready to act when the time comes, and pray for God’s mercy on His people.
Last Spring, we fought alongside the Colorado Health Choice Alliance (CHCA) against HB19-1312 School Immunization Requirements. On October 14th and 15th, they will be hosting an event entitled “Health Choice YOUniversity” at The Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. Please note, that while we do not support all the positions CHCA supports, we do agree that parents should be in charge of medical decisions for their children and will continue to lock arms in this battle for liberty. I have been invited to sit on a panel on Sunday representing homeschoolers! Check the speaker list and register here.
I have participated in two Vaccine and Health Choice Summits at the Capitol this fall hosted by Representative Lori Saine and Senator Vicki Marble. At the next summit, I will be teaming up with Theresa Wrangham, Executive Director of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), to speak on “Truth and Transparency.” The date for this final summit has not been finalized as of this writing. Please, stay tuned to our Homeschool Freedom prayer Facebook group for the date and time or email me about your interest.
Prayer Opportunities
National Homeschool Day of Prayer: Friday, November 1st.
Check out this website for prayer prompts. I would encourage you to pray for your representatives as well! (Find them here.) Also, consider calling or emailing them to let them know you are praying for them.
Next Prayer Meeting at the Capitol: Tuesday, November 12th at 11 am.
Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated.
Trusting in the mighty power and grace of Jesus,
Carolyn Martin, CHEC Legislative Liaison
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