Beware of What’s Below the Surface
By Carolyn Martin (CHEC Director of Government Relations)
If you’ve ever been scuba diving, you know that a calm, glassy sea on the surface does not mean there is no turmoil in the waters below. The currents below the surface can be so strong that you can be carried miles away from where you started within minutes. Knowing where those currents are and how strong they are can be the difference between being lost at sea and safely returning to your ride home.
On the surface, politicians say what they think the people want to hear so they can be elected. Just below the surface, strong forces that drive their ideology and agendas lay hidden to those without ears to hear and eyes to see. We must become discerning people who clearly see the tempest below. In the governor’s state-of-the-state address, he spoke about cutting taxes and fees. While the cost of living has risen in Colorado, a substantial amount of that increase is attributable to the policies pushed by the governor in the last three years. His words may sound good on the surface, but underneath his agenda the current he created was the cause for much of the problems Coloradans are facing today.
In the coming session, we must look beyond the words being said about the policies being advanced and look to the impact of where they will take us in the years to come. As homeschoolers, our greatest hope is to see families free to homeschool and free to live out their consciences before God without the government dictating either — just as our founders envisioned when they gave everything to establish this country under God.
Due to the increase in homeschooling and the crisis in the education system, I expect to see bills that will require us to act. To keep up on what’s happening with bills in the Colorado legislature, join the CHEC Homeschool Freedom Team. You’ll receive weekly prayer requests and action items on bills of concern.
Now is the time to develop your discernment skills and make sure you’re not being swayed by the appearance of a calm sea. Always look below the surface!
Trusting in the mighty power and grace of Jesus,
Carolyn Martin, CHEC Director of Government Relations
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