Keeping Tabs on Innocent Families?
My gratitude goes out to Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) for pointing me to a questionable bill just as it was introduced. I am working with legislators to try to remove the offensive language from the bill (HB18-1348). As it reads now, the names, phone numbers, and addresses of families who have been falsely accused of abusing or neglecting their children could be given to community-based agencies and public health agencies who implement child abuse and neglect prevention programs.
Many of the calls to HSLDA come from families mistakenly accused of neglect because their extended family members or their neighbors just don’t understand what homeschooling is. Why should these families’ information be given to agencies trying to prevent neglect when they have done nothing wrong and their cases have been closed because of their innocence?
Thank you HSLDA for the work you do on behalf of all homeschooling families in Colorado, in the United States, and across the world! If you are not a member of HSDLA, please consider becoming one and supporting the work they do by going here.
Action: Please be in prayer over this bill, that our efforts to remove the alarming language will be successful.
Homeschool Day at the Capitol
Don’t forget — this Friday is Homeschool Day at the Capitol! Mike Donnelly from HSLDA will be our keynote speaker at both the Liberty Celebration and the Rally. Come, thank him in person for the work he does for Colorado homeschoolers, and hear him speak about what the next thirty years of homeschooling might look like!
This year, we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Colorado Homeschool Law and we need your attendance to make this the best rally ever! Your family won’t want to miss being a part of this celebration. We will be having cake prepared by Jack Phillips from Masterpiece Cakeshop, balloons, and special keepsake buttons. A new Colorado Civics program for middle schoolers, written by CHEC’s own Julianna Dotten, will also be unveiled and available for purchase.
As the culture slides deeper into depravity, we need to raise the banner of the Lord higher. Our representatives need to know we will not be laying down our God-given rights easily. I believe this is a year of preparation for the battles to come. Let’s show the legislators how precious the freedom to home educate our children is to us!
Register for Homeschool Day at the Capitol today!
Thank you thank you for speaking at homeschool day at the Capitol. You did a great job. I pray we all step-up to help in the upcoming months!