Happy New Year from your friends at CHEC!
As we enter a new year, we are overwhelmingly grateful for your prayers! It is God who makes it possible for our team of homeschool parents and grads to equip and encourage families through our resources, training, and support services. Please join us in prayer for 2020!
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV)
Pray for Our Volunteers, Staff, and Board
- That God would give CHEC’s board and leadership team His wisdom as they make decisions regarding how CHEC can best promote and strengthen Christ-centered home education in Colorado in 2020 and beyond.
- That God would add the volunteers and staff that are needed to the CHEC team to complete the work that needs to be done.
- That we would trust God for the time and resources that are needed for each event and service.
- That we would abide in Christ and be reliant on His Spirit, and that He would bring much fruit through us for the Kingdom of God in 2020.
Pray for the Families We Serve
- That God would enable homeschool families with single parents, special needs children, or significant health/relational issues to find the help and encouragement that will enable them to persevere.
- That God would pour out His Spirit on Colorado families such that the love of God and the desire to please Him would drive their home education endeavors.
Pray for Our Ministry Activities
- That God would put His blessing on the new events and ministry activities (including online events) that we have planned for 2020.
- That God would protect our events and ministry programs from Satan’s influence and opposition.
- That God would bring the speakers and messages to our events that will be the most help to the families that we are seeking to serve.
- That God would grant CHEC’s Legislative Liaison, Carolyn Martin, wisdom, skill, and strength as she works to protect homeschool freedom at the state Capitol.
- That both our state and national governments would see homeschooling in a favorable light and continue to uphold educational freedom.
Pray for CHEC Events in 2020
- January: Spelling Bee and Meet Your Legislator Day
- March: Refresh Ladies’ Day of Encouragement and Homeschool Group Leaders’ Retreat
- April: Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- May: Homeschool Graduation
- June: Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference
- Autumn: Casterline Banquet for Single Moms
- Throughout the year: Homeschool Introductory Seminars, High School & Beyond Seminars, Homeschool Summits, and the CHEC Independent School
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