🪻Attention homeschool ladies! The REFRESH Conference is coming 3/1🪻 Register TODAY!


  1. Peggy HR says

    Hello , I need to know if the CSE would be manditory for homeschooled children as well? I am trying to inform others correctly and have two of my kids who homeschool their children and need to know.

  2. Carolyn Martin says

    Thank you for staying informed and wanting to get the word out!! As it stands right now, homeschoolers are not required to teach to the state standards for CSE or any other subject. But, if you participate in public school programs, be aware that sexuality and gender are being talked about throughout the entire curriculum. See also CHECs blog post from September 4th (https://chec.org/chec-blog/legislative-update-september-4-2019/) for more caution concerning curriculum in some part-time public school programs.

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