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  1. Erin says

    I really needed to hear this today! I indeed feel suffocated and isolated in trying to parent and homeschool an adopted teen with ASD, attachment disorder and other issues. He accused me of giving up on him because I was so frustrated with him today. ( It is amazing how perceptive he is at times) I don’t want to give up, but I am so tired. It helped to know that I am not the only parent in this boat. Dear Jesus , give us the strength and grace we need to complete the work you have set before us. Amen

    • Shari H McMinn says

      I’m glad you read the post and submitted this comment. Yes, it is a tough road raising and homeschooling kids, especially teens, with multiple labels that are so challenging for them to live with and us to parent! Some days its just survival with the basics of food, clothing, and shelter. When we know others are walking a similar path, it does help us not quit. Hang in there. Hugs!

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