By Legislative Liaison Carolyn Martin
Parental Rights: A Cornerstone
If families are the bedrock of a healthy, thriving society, parental rights are the cornerstone. Many bills this session threaten to weaken that cornerstone by chipping away at parents’ ability to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children. One bill in particular has gained much attention: HB19-1032 Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education.
On the same day CHEC hosted Meet Your Legislator Day, HB19-1032 was being debated on the floor of the House. The debate lasted for over 7 ½ hours, but sadly, the bill ended up passing the House on a party-line vote of 39 ayes, 23 no’s, 2 excused, and 1 vacant. Throughout the debate parental rights played center stage. Representative Sandridge brought an amendment that stated in part, “The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right…”. One of the House sponsors, Representative Lontine, asked the members to vote no on the amendment, which led to a half hour debate. Please, take the time to listen here.
If you listen to the debate, you will notice that the sponsor never answers why she initially asked for a no vote. It is clear that after many speak in support of the amendment, there were some who were offended or tried to defend the original bill, but eventually they came around and the amendment passed. Unfortunately, because of a technicality with how the amendment was written, it will not become an official part of Colorado statutes. Fortunately, it can still be said that the version of the bill that passed the House contained strong parental rights language.
Yet, the crux of the bill, with its weak opt-out option and its clear teachings on immorality, leaves one asking just how parental rights are being honored with its passage. While I am glad that there are some legislators who will stand up for parental rights, there are more who will only pay lip service to them. Our children are what are at stake and we must continue to engage in the battle to save the cornerstone of parental rights and, ultimately, freedom for our posterity.
Updates on Parental Rights Legislation
- HB19-1032 Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education: will be heard in the Senate Health & Human Services committee on Thursday, February 28th at 1:30 pm.
- HB19-1120 Youth Mental Health Education & Suicide Prevention (lowers the age of consent to 12 years old for mental health care): to be voted on in the House Public Health Care & Human Services committee on Friday, March 1st.
- HB19-1129 Prohibit Conversion Therapy for a Minor: passed the House. Will be heard in the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs committee on Monday, March 18th.
Don’t Forget to Send in those Postcards!
You should have received the latest edition of the Update Magazine by now. In it you will find two postcards for your family to fill out and mail to your legislators (one for your House Representative, and one for your Senator), along with instructions for what to write. Please, send them in ASAP!
Prayer at the Capitol
Prayer: Tuesdays, 11 am, room 351. All are welcome! Join me.
CHEC Homeschool Day at the Capitol
Mark your calendars and register to attend this event now! We need you, your family, and your friends to join us at the rally on Thursday, April 25th at noon on the west steps of the Capitol. This event will send a strong message to legislators that homeschool families are serious about their freedom! Click here to register!
Trusting in the mighty power and grace of Jesus,
Carolyn Martin, CHEC Legislative Liaison
Thanx, Carolyn, for your tireless efforts to benefit so many individuals and families. You are a godsend! A warrior. As you continue to stand in my stead, I will continue to uphold you in prayer, placing my shield of faith over you to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. I will also keep up the barrage of contact with my legislators. Again, THANK YOU!