Stand for Homeschool Freedom on Thursday 4/10 at Homeschool Day at the Capitol Register TODAY!


  1. Cora H says

    Wow this hits so close to home to see an email from CHEC for one of our fellow homeschool families! I knew about the incident on November 27th and when I hear about the death of someone I pray for the family even if I don’t know them. Even though I don’t know this family they are family because they are a CHEC family. We will lift our prayers up to heaven for the family and can sing praises that Garrett is in eternity with our heavenly father!

  2. P & J & J Cramer says

    Rachel & family, our thoughts & prayers are with you. May Jesus lift you up in His arms and speak abundant peace & security into your hearts. The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord & although we didn’ t know Garrett personnally we share your great loss. May you feel the nearness of God in ALL the days to come. Much love from Estes Park. ????

  3. Leon Nelson says

    Praying for you and family. Praying that God will reveal Himself to you in a very special way and bring comfort to you.

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