Stand for Homeschool Freedom on Thursday 4/10 at Homeschool Day at the Capitol Register TODAY!


  1. Becky De Valle says

    Greetings in the Lord! Can you please tell me whatever became of this law and whether or not the changes that the CDPHE made are mandatory? (still making changes, even though HB1164 “died”). Our umbrella school is stating that we have to register with the CDPHE for immunization compliance, as of July 1st, 2016. If the law was not amended or no changes were indeed implemented to the current law, how can the CDPHE enforce that or request it of our private school?

    Thank you so much for your time, and all you do to keep us informed!


    • Stephen Craig says

      Homeschool families who are enrolled in a private umbrella school are NOT required to file immunization exemption forms with the CDPHE as HB1164 would have required. You are also NOT required to use the online immunization exemption form that the CDPHE has recently made available. You can request that your school provide you with a paper version of the exemption form that you can complete and submit back to your school.

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