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  1. Brittany says

    I’ve read over the full Colorado Homeschool Law, as well as the sub-section for Non-Public Schools, and I don’t see anywhere where the law requires families to give updated immunizations every year, as you note is the answer for question #6. The law simply says “C.R.S. 25-1-107(1)(m) The school must meet health standards.”

    I would appreciate any insight you can offer on this question from your quiz. Thank you!

    • Carolyn Martin says

      So glad that you want to know what the actual law says. Kudos! I hope you will look up the statutes I reference below.

      If you want to know how the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) interprets the law, here is a link to their rules and regs:

      Under Colorado immunization law (CRS 25-4-901, 25-4-902, 25-4-903) all schools are required to maintain up-to-date immunization records for each student enrolled in their school. In this instance, the definition of school includes private or independent schools. Each school year is a new enrollment and requires submission of up-to-date records to the school.

      The homeschool law, on the other hand, requires parents to keep their own immunization records and states “immunization records, as required by sections 25-4-901, 25-4-902, and 25-4-903” (from CRS 22-33-104.5 under subsection 3, letter g).

      Both options are required to keep up-to-date immunization records (including exemption statements) on file.

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