
  1. Lorrie says

    I love the encouragement the Youngs bring to parents of boys! Thank you for posting this…they have really helped me as I have loved and schooled my 6 boys over the past 20 years!

  2. Thomas R. says

    Well articulated opinion which I happen to agree with! I tutor a CC class of 7 boys (no girls is just the way it turned out) and I couldn’t be happier. As a former infantryman in the US army I appreciate the differences and learning style challenges that boys present. We routinely do push ups in class and the parents love that I am a healthy mix of loud and assertive while maintaining respect for the students. Hearing about how parents and some administrations are pushing the gender ambiguity model breaks my heart for young students. I embrace the difference and count myself blessed to be in a position to lead young men in their education! Keep up the good work CHEC!

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