🪻Attention homeschool ladies! The REFRESH Conference is coming 3/1🪻 Register TODAY!


    • Julianna Dotten says

      Hello Lisa,

      My recommendation would be to keep records until your student is well established in his or her future career, as sometimes those records may still be needed. The only exception would be the high school transcript and diploma, which should be kept permanently. You certainly don’t need to keep all records forever, but you will always want the diploma and transcript on hand. In addition, at least until graduation, the law does require test, attendance days, and immunization records to be kept permanently.

      I hope that helps! Please contact us at office@chec.org if you have any more questions!

  1. Shari says

    For many years when my kids were young, I used their endless drawings and painting for two things – wrapping paper and putting in a bill to be mailed with a check I wrote out! I actually heard back from a few payees that this brought them joy when they opened their mail. ????

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