
  1. Michelle L says

    This was a really useful and helpful article! My kids and I are wanting to use more technology, but I didn’t know about the tools you mentioned and provided links for. Yes, this will be more work for me, as mom, initially, but we really do need to incorporate these skills. Thank you and I look forward to more! I still want to hear your thoughts on Chrome Books vs. Ipads and Google Docs vs. Microsoft Office. 🙂

    • Emily Payne says

      Hi Michelle,
      I couldn’t agree more! Such an important topic to be covering with our children, and John explained the issue so well.

      Maybe he can cover those questions at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference!

      Blessings on your week and your homeschool:)

    • John Sowash says

      thanks for the comment, Michelle.

      Yes, intentional technology integration does take some extra time and planning. We have found that it only takes a handful of tech tools to do some pretty cool things. You don’t need hundreds of apps.

      In our home we use Chromebooks and all of the related Google tools (Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc). They are free to use, easy to understand, and very flexible.

      Ultimately, I don’t think you can make a bad choice. Either platform can be used to accomplish the ideas I shared in this article.

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