Hey there CHEC Blog subscribers!
As you may already know, CHEC puts on a free Homeschool Summit event twice a year for the encouragement of the homeschool community. What you may not know is…
We have a new Summit coming up on April 5-9th!!
The God-Centered Homeschool: An Online Summit has been designed to help you eliminate the burden of a thousand competing “priorities,” and reorient your everyday homeschooling around our great God.
Because let’s face it….
we often find ourselves up against a pile of to-dos a mile long, that threaten to make us forget our purpose!
We all need encouragement to take a deep breath and remember to turn our faces to our King.
From Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be glory forever. Amen.
(Romans 11:36)
We hope you can join us and be refreshed and rejuvenated during this Summit! You will enjoy:
- 20+ top speakers (including Franklin Graham, Rosaria Butterfield, and Stephen Kendrick).
- 20+ sessions
- Topics including being God-Centered parents, God-centered teaching, God-centered curriculum, and a God-centered calling.
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