by guest author Kyndra Steinmann
How can we keep up with home organization and homeschooling? Do you have trouble turning your mind off to rest? How can “laziness” actually help us become better organized in our schools and homes? Homeschool mom and blogger shares her secret to increasing her efficiency.
I was talking with someone the other day and mentioned how I needed to work on menus for our main meals over the next several months.
“Oh!” she said, “ You are so organized! I couldn’t possibly do what you do.”
Those kinds of comments always take me by surprise. If you saw the state of my bedroom, organized is not the first word that would pop into your mind! “Slob” or at least “extremely likely to drop stuff wherever” would be much more like it.
Thinking about it later and talking it over with my sister and I realize that actually I’m not organized at all.
I’m lazy.
Laziness is usually thought of as a vice, or at least the absence of virtue, so what on earth do I mean?
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