This Tuesday, Christian Home Educators of Colorado had the privilege of meeting with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos as a part of her Rethink School national tour.
It was a huge success.
DeVos had reached out to CHEC as the representation of homeschooling in Colorado with the desire to connect with Colorado’s burgeoning homeschool movement. As the state homeschool organization, CHEC was able to put a positive face on homeschooling, facilitating interaction with homeschool families from across Colorado.
Over a dinner of BBQ ribs, DeVos interacted with several representative homeschool families who gathered from around the state. DeVos was not only receptive, she was overtly supportive of the homeschooling movement.
DeVos converses with homeschool families over dinner.
We are praising God for placing a leader so supportive of homeschooling as Secretary of Education, and we look forward to her continued support from this decisive office.
DeVos (center) with the Johnsons, a homeschooling family from Colorado.
In her interview with CHEC Executive Director Steve Craig, DeVos clearly communicated her support for homeschooling and recognized the “tremendous amount of dedication and commitment” of homeschool parents. Watch the interview below to hear her message to Colorado’s homeschooling families.
That is so encouraging. Praise God!
Agreed! Thanks for your support, Kristine! -Katie
Amazing, and so positive! I saw her on Public Forums cable TV being interviewed on her Department’s April data based budget by Congressional Committee members. She was so kind, positive, and inclusive of many paths toward schooling in America — in the face of obvious hostility as to her wonderful philosophy of education honoring citizen choice. She is for freedom of choice and is family centered in her ideals. This is a fantastic step away from Common Core, and government authority being held over family and sovereign authority, State by State, Community by Community, family by family. Wish I could have been there. We must be regularly praying for her leadership.
Love it! Thank you CHEC for all that you have done and continue to do.
God Bless You All!
Thank you, Mike! – Katie
So encouraging, Blessings❗️
What a blessing to have someone advocating for our choice to homeschool.
Thank you Betsy DeVos. You are doing a great job!
It is good to know that Betsy Devos has a positive perspective and is actively supportive of homeschooling. Encouraging.