An interview with Ashley Vaughan
I’m delighted to introduce you to my coworker and friend Ashley Vaughan. Ashley’s parents have been involved with CHEC for … well, it feels like forever, and it’s special to see her thriving in her role as CHEC Independent School Registrar.
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your family?
I am a Vaughan, and those who know us would testify that this name is synonymous with a witty group whose love language is teasing and who generally like to make sure everyone is laughing and having a good time. Our family’s collective gift is that of hospitality, starting back with my parents in Kansas housing six mentally handicapped men in their home.
Now this hospitality comes in many forms, whether that be hosting our church that is currently meeting in our house, having large gatherings of family and friends on major holidays (and other random days), or providing rest for weary travelers. God has blessed us to see that hospitality is not only a service to others, but it can also be a glimpse of the fellowship we will enjoy with His saints in heaven.
We Vaughans can also be quite a serious bunch too. Currently our primary ministry is coaching a homeschool speech and debate club. Not only does this ministry include the obvious teaching of speaking and critical thinking skills, we’ve also found it opens the door to many other opportunities.
Occasions present themselves to teach Christ-honoring conflict resolution, model reliance on God’s peace and strength under intense stress, discuss theological truths and how they impact our daily lives, and minister to young people in disappointment and sometimes extreme personal tragedy. We have been so blessed by the opportunities God has given us to mentor the up and coming generation.
2. What are some of your favorite aspects of being a homeschool graduate?
In John 14:6 Jesus tells us that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (emphasis mine). This means that all truth and reality originates and flows from Jesus, and I have been blessed to have parents who wholeheartedly believe this to be true. Thus my educational experience had an emphasis on learning about the world in light of God’s truth.
I am truly blessed that I had this foundation, as it has given me a worldview through which I can accurately evaluate and navigate adult life. Additionally, homeschooling taught me that learning is not equivalent to being spoon-fed information and then regurgitating it on a test, never to again be remembered or used. Instead, learning means mastering information, synthesizing it, and then applying the concepts — a process that is not relegated to the formative years.
In summary, these and many other life lessons learned through homeschooling have given me a strong foundation and life course that is built on God’s truth (Proverbs 3:5 – 6).
3. What does your job look like as Independent School Registrar? Do you have an aspect that you enjoy most?
The job of the Independent School Registrar requires a lot of sitting at a desk. While that may sound like complete drudgery to some, in reality this job provides a lot of diversity, and many would be shocked at the number of hats this position requires me to wear. The obvious hat is that of reviewing applications and registering families in the CHEC Independent School.
But any given day may also require other detail-oriented work such as reviewing end-of-year documents, proofreading various CHEC publications, answering emails and phone calls, processing and shipping product orders, and various other office work. My favorite aspect of my job is that I get to work with a wonderful, godly team that is seeking to make a positive impact on the world.
4. What are some of your favorite things?
I love being active, whether that be through dancing or playing various sports. While I’ve always been an avid reader, in recent years I have also discovered the love of learning; the subjects I enjoy learning about are quite varied, ranging from gardening and human biology to Christian living and economics. My biggest passions, though, lie in music, art, and in building future leaders.
The Vaughan Family (Ashley is furtherest right)
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