Guest Post by Barbara West
Life is caught more than it is taught.
I have no pithy saying or funny pun or verse to expound upon. I am not a great photojournalist either so no appealing photos to catch your eye. I do however, have a passion to encourage homeschool moms as they love deeply and live fervently this high calling we call homeschooling.
As homeschool moms we tend to focus on our children, but a chain is no stronger than its weakest link. So for just a moment, I’d like to turn our focus in another direction – onto ourselves. I am not going to mimic the British TV show and espouse, “You are the weakest link!” However, I do want you to do a bit of self-examination to ensure this is not the case.
To state the perhaps not-so-obvious, YOU are the first student in your homeschool. This is not to say you always need to learn the material before you teach it. That is impossible. You can, however, learn and expand your knowledge along with your children. But even more important than the filling of your mind is the filling up of your heart. Do you have a teachable heart?
We already know spending time reading the Bible and praying is important. No guilt trip. No amount of unique ideas for scheduling time to pray or to read and study God’s Word will actually get you into His Word, so I will try a different tactic.
Have you ever thought about this: The Bible is the only book whose Author is always present when you read it. Just think on that for a moment. The Bible is the only book whose Author is always present when you read It. Wow. You can meet with the One who penned the greatest story ever told – every day!
People will line up for hours to get a signature from some author on the leaflet of a book or have an athlete autograph memorabilia. But you have instant access to the Book and the Author any time you want! Doesn’t that create in you a desire – an ‘I want to do this,’ an ‘I’ve gotta do this’ overwhelming need to set a time, make an appointment, and create room in your schedule to meet and talk with the One who made the universe? To walk with Him through your day?
If your desire isn’t compelling enough, then how about His desire? His desire for you and you alone? He longingly pleads for you to silently turn your thoughts to Him or to catch your breath momentarily for a rest in Him or to say His name.
If that doesn’t flood your heart with intense anxiety to get up early, carve out time in your day, or stay up late to finish this last thing on your to do list, I only have one idea left. The Nike slogan – Just Do It!
Not only do you want to put your hand in the Hand of the Man who calmed the waters as well as walked on water, but you also want to put your heart in His hands; every second of every minute of every day. As He molds your heart to His heart, you will become more like Jesus. As you become more teachable, so will your children. As you model this teachable heart, your children will mirror what they see in you.
You are the first Bible they will ever read. So it is not what you purposely teach that has the greatest impact. It is how you actively live. Live Jesus.
Really liked this post! “You are the first Bible they will read”. Pretty challenging. Keep up the good work!
Excellent post, Barbara! We humble, hard-working, homeschooling moms have a hard time focusing on what we need for ourselves. Our spiritual life is so important for our ability to stay focused on what He is working together for good in our family. Thanks for the reminder, and I love your thought that He, the author of life and the Bible, is present with us as we read His word and live our lives for Him!