by Yvonne Strachan
Recent polls have revealed a significant decline in Americans’ feelings of great patriotism. Notably, age is a key factor in shaping these sentiments, with half of Americans aged 55 and above reporting a strong sense of national pride. In contrast, only 40% of those ages 35 to 54 and a mere 18% of 18 to 34-year-olds share those same feelings.1
When we lose sight of God’s hand in all of Creation and become distracted from the values God outlined for us in the Bible, we ultimately place our trust in humanity. This misplaced trust can lead us off course and ultimately cause us to lose hope. However, there is hope. It is essential and inspiring for us to help our children comprehend God’s influence in shaping the United States as we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. Join me in sparking a renewed sense of patriotism and hope for the future by sharing these three biblical messages with your children as you celebrate Independence Day!

1st Biblical Message: God reveals Himself to us through all of Creation.
As you savor the breathtaking views and delightful experiences throughout Independence Day, take a moment to reflect on the awe-inspiring wonder of how God’s Creation interacts with itself. Consider the incredibly unique gifts God gave us: life, a soul, and the ability to think and reason. These gifts enable us to understand the intricacies of His Creation and to use this ever-increasing knowledge as we aspire to help others.
God’s Creation has inspired inventions that improve our lives, from everyday comforts to life-saving devices. Scientific advancements have enabled meteorologists to save lives by tracking storms and medical professionals to diagnose and treat diseases. Studying God’s world equips us to serve others in unique and life-changing ways!
Discuss how God is revealed through creation as you explore the following chemical reactions.
- Drop Mentos candy into a two-liter bottle of cola and watch the beverage rocket out of the top.
- Explain the chemistry involved in the creation of fireworks.
- Explore the science that allows glow sticks to shine as you hand them out to your children.

2nd Biblical Message: The foundation of America was built on biblical principles.
The Mayflower Compact recognized the importance of self-governance under God and the value of working together and helping one another. It also served as a cornerstone in developing two other pivotal documents: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. All these documents carry historical significance, underscoring their deep-rooted influence in shaping our nation.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage! (Psalm 33:12 ESV)
Bible-centered principles echo in various iconic landmarks throughout the United States. For example, the Liberty Bell features an inscribed verse from Leviticus 25:10, and the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme Court, and other federal buildings display Scripture quotations and artwork depicting biblical scenes. These visible reminders help us remain vigilant against replacing God’s divine love with human leaders’ imperfect teachings and direction. After all, the philosophies and doctrines of human origin can never truly fulfill our spiritual needs; instead, they may lead us away from the truth.
Help your child realize how the foundation of America was built on biblical principles.
- Play this game of Jeopardy!
- Watch a documentary or cartoon together. Here are some recommendations:
- American Heritage Series. Directed by David Barton, Bridgestone, 2009.
- The Animated Hero Classics: George Washington. Directed by Richard Rich, Nest Entertainment, 1992.
- Explore the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.
- Learn more about the Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty.

3rd Biblical Message: Freedom is a responsibility.
But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare (Jeremiah 29:7 ESV).
Since our well-being is intertwined with the well-being of our country, fostering a sense of responsibility is essential. We must pray for God’s guidance for our leaders and citizens as we work together to uphold our country’s freedom.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.” ~Ronald Reagan2
Help your child understand the value of freedom.
- Call a relative or friend who served in the military and ask them to share their experiences.
- Help your child create a card, write a letter, or put a care package together and send it to a military service member.
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance and discuss its meaning.
- Practice folding the U.S. Flag together (Download and print this free flag-folding guide).
As you gaze at the fireworks on the evening of July 4th, honor those who journeyed far from home to escape religious persecution. Pay tribute to those who bravely fought in wars to secure the fundamental rights God granted us. Express gratitude for our forefathers and their commitment to the Bible as they crafted documents that uphold the timeless principles guiding our lives. Keep nurturing your spiritual foundation based on the timeless precepts outlined in the Bible so that your children can also prioritize service to God’s kingdom and a love for others rather than being consumed by materialism, pride, or prestige.
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another (Galatians 5:13 ESV).
When we view our Independence Day celebration through the lens of scripture, we can adjust our course and refocus on Jesus. As parents, we play a crucial role in restoring hope and patriotism throughout our nation.
What ideas can you add that will emphasize these biblical messages as you celebrate Independence Day? Comment below!
Your grateful homeschooling friend,
Yvonne Strachan
P.S. Do you want to take your child’s learning to the next level? Consider using these resources and participating in these events as you plan out your upcoming homeschool year!
- Flag Etiquette workbook
- US & Colorado Civics – CHEC
- The Future Statesman’s Handbook and Workbooks for Godly Government and the US Constitution
- Plan to attend CHEC’s Meet Your Legislator Day or Homeschool Day at the Capitol in the spring of 2025.
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