By Brenda Kelly
It’s Mother’s Day week! The day of so many mixed emotions. It’s a day to be honored and made to feel special, a day for a favorite meal or activity, cards and flowers, phone calls and visits from children no longer at home … but it’s also a day to be reminded of THAT GAL! You know her … the one on the pedestal in Proverbs 31. How can I accept the honor of this day when I can’t even begin to measure up to her?
Especially with that one verse. You’ve already thought of it! You know, the one that says, “Her children rise up and call her blessed.” Ughhh … I’m a homeschool mom! I’m the one that must make those kids sit down and do their math, learn cursive, write papers, and listen to hundreds and hundreds of read-alouds. I’m the one that requires them to eat green things, do household chores, and reminds them that just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean that our family will. After all of that, they will never “rise up and call me blessed!”
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