
  1. Gabrielle Cox says

    Some of the cells (the CHEC logo) are password protected on the member download excel spreadsheet. Can you provide the password to unprotect these cells so that we can apply our homeschool logo?


    • Ted Jones says

      Hey Gabrielle! Thanks for asking! Unfortunately, we are unable to modify the CHEC Independent School transcript in that way. However, there are plenty of other transcript templates that are available to homeschoolers! You will find several options on the High School Resources page of our website.

  2. Tiffany Abriam says

    I need to create a transcript for my student last year as we were enrolled in CHEC. This year he has been in a private school and we aren’t members of CHEC this year. How can I get access to a transcript template to fill it in for him from last year? Thank you for your help.

    • Julianna Dotten says

      Hello Tiffany,

      Sorry for our delay in responding. CHEC Independent School transcript templates are only available to those currently registered. However, there is no “official” transcript required for homeschoolers, so I would recommend you use these free transcript templates from HSLDA. If you have any questions for how to fill it out, feel free to reach out to us (our phones are open Monday-Friday) or you can email us at Also, if you become a member of HSLDA, they offer amazing personal transcript service!

      Hope that helps!

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