A call to all freedom-loving homeschoolers! Here’s your chance to remind our legislators that liberty matters. Every year, homeschoolers from all over Colorado make a stand at Day at the Capitol.
We need your help! Your attendance at Homeschool Day at the Capitol speaks volumes to our legislators that homeschoolers care. Join us on Friday, April 7, for a field-trip-of-the-year event.
Plus, we’ve made the event an unique learning experience for your family. Don’t miss the incredible field trip opportunity the Capitol holds!
Read Why One Homeschool Family Loves It
Here’s what it’s like …
This year’s Day at the Capitol specials
- An exclusive banquet for Chief Justice Roy Moore (learn more here)
- A special homeschooler’s discount at the Downtown Aquarium
- “Joy of Homeschooling” Banner and Sign Contest
- Constitution 101 class for homeschool students
Register Today!
I hope to see you on April 7th!
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