Mentor Mom Volunteer Form Complete this form to be considered as a volunteer for the CHEC Mentor Mom program. "*" indicates required fields Your infoName* First Last Your Spouse's Name First Last Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Birthdate* Month Day Year Family & Personal InfoHow many years have you home educated your children?*What is the age range of your children?*What grades have you taught as a homeschooling teacher?Have you previously volunteered for CHEC?* Yes No Other If yes, where have you served? (Or provide more details.)*What are your hobbies/interests?*Do you have special training/degree in an area that we should know about?*Do you feel that you have a "team spirit" that will enable you to adapt, learn, and grow with this new program?*Please read the CHEC Statement of Faith and Position Statement on Home Education; click here to view.Do you agree to the CHEC Statement of Faith?Do you agree to not offend the Position Statements on Home Education and Creation?What is the name of your church?*We believe in the blessing of accountability as Christian believers in the context of the local church; therefore, we ask that all mentor mom volunteers be committed, regular members/attenders of a local church body.May we contact your pastor or a church leader for a reference? (Please provide their name and phone number.)*Briefly share about your salvation.*Why are you interested in being a mentor mom? Please explain.We ask that mentor moms be available 3-5 hours per week to receive calls. Are you available to make this time commitment?Are you available for the group meeting commitment? (An additional 30 minutes – 1 hour per week)*What area(s) of specialization would you prefer to mentor other moms in?* Curriculum Scheduling Homeschooling PreK-8th Homeschooling 9th-12th Unique Learners This volunteer position requires reliable internet use, computer access, email access, and basic word processing and organizational skills. Do you have these?* Δ