Thrifty Thursday Submission Company name*Contact name*Contact email* Enter Email Confirm Email Which Thrifty Thursday email is this submission for?*(Please note that each month's submission must be unique; if you have more than one month, please submit a form for each one.)JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberYour special offerThrifty Thursday is a once-a-month special feature eblast that showcases the unique discounts and offerings of up to 6 companies. Your ad must include a discount, freebie, or promotion that is unique to CHEC subscribers.Each month's feature should be unique to that month — no repeats from previous months. Below is all the required information that will be published in the ad. Please use your company name in the headline and/or the the description.Headline*Short phrase such as "Save 15% on Colorado Civics Curriculum!" or "Colorado History Curriculum Just for Homeschoolers"3-5 sentence description of product and offer*URL to your special offer page*Preferred text for the Call-To-Action button (with your linked URL)*Such as "Click here to order for 50% off!"Upload a graphic (.jpg or .png file), sized to 250×250 px*Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.Any comments or questions? Δ