Homeschool participants Needed for Multi-State Research Study
We’ve all heard that homeschool students test, on average, higher than their public school peers. Did you know this data is more than a decade old?
We continue to see increasing attacks on homeschooling and our freedoms. We know that quality research is a powerful tool in protecting homeschool freedom. Colorado families have the opportunity to showcase your child’s academic success by contributing to a new, multi-state research study!
Homeschooling works!—Join the Academic Achievement Study!
CHEC is partnering with National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) and Seton Testing Services to conduct a research project that will provide new and helpful information to homeschool families, homeschool support organizations, policymakers, and the general public. This is a multi-state research study, and we are excited to be working with other homeschool state organizations like CHEC.
Participation in this research study is optional. However, your participation is extremely valuable. Rest assured, you information will be anonymous—no identifying information will be attached to your child’s scores—and will go a long way to preserving our homeschooling freedoms.
This collaborative nationwide academic achievement study is an opportunity to collect current data that will help continue the important work of defending homeschool freedom. Your participation will allow all homeschoolers to showcase to legislators nationwide the success of homeschool students. All data collected is ANONYMOUS.
When you participate in the Academic Achievement Study for Homeschool Freedom (by ordering a test through Seton and responding to the 5-10 minute survey), CHEC will receive a group report (based on anonymous student data), allowing us to showcase to legislators and policy-makers the success of home-educated students in Colorado.
Testing start March 1st!
Participation in the Academic Achievement Study for Homeschool Freedom is easy as 1—2—3!
Order the Test
- Use code CHEC2023 to get a 10% discount
(CHEC IS families log into your account for a 20% discount!)
Take the Survey
- Take a quick survey, click here
- Only one survey needed per family (up to 7 kids!)
- Use your 10-digit ID (received with test purchase)
- You must take the survey BEFORE testing
Take the Test
- Testing dates begin March 1st and must be submitted by August 31st.
- See Seton Testing Services FAQ
- Test results are posted electronically to your account within 10 day
Thank you for participating in this critical research will help to defend homeschool freedom for generations to come!
There are many benefits of having your child take a standardized test through Christian Home Educators of Colorado and Seton Testing Services.
Establishing a Colorado database of compiled scores lends credibility to the educational excellence of homeschool students. Because homeschooled students historically score very high, the larger the number of students tested, the more convincing our scores become to both legislators and the public. Your participation is encouraged, not only for your own information, but to continue to safeguard our freedoms.
Following directions, relaxing under pressure, pacing oneself, and completing work in an allotted time are all great skills that can be honed through taking tests. Testing can be a valuable preparation for college entrance exams such as the ACT and SAT.
Standardized tests indicate how your child compares academically to other children at his grade level. While we do have the privilege of seeing our children learn on a day-to-day basis, it is beneficial to assess a child’s year-to-year development of learning.
The charts of test scores shown to Colorado legislators are combined scores of homeschool students statewide, never individual scores.