By Executive Director Steve Craig
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the board and staff of Christian Home Educators of Colorado! As we come to the end of our 26th year of ministry to Colorado homeschool families, I want to ask you to consider making a financial gift. But first, let me share an update with you.
We’ve definitely had our plates full this year, hosting 18 homeschool events and seminars around the state in addition to our annual Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference. On top of that, we’ve fought for homeschool freedom at the Capitol, sent out 17,000 free Homeschool Update magazines, administered the largest umbrella independent school in Colorado, and answered phone calls from homeschoolers around Colorado five days every week.
Here are a few of this year’s highlights from my perspective—
- We hired our first Homeschool Legislative Liaison to lead CHEC’s work in representing and fighting for homeschool freedom at the Capitol.
- In April, we had our highest registration for Homeschool Day at the Capitol in over 10 years.
- In October, we held our first Colorado Homeschool Leadership Retreat.
- We expanded our statewide reach for Homeschool Introductory Seminars.
- We added breakout sessions and HSLDA guest speaker Carol Becker to our High School and Beyond Seminars.
- We updated and republished CHEC’s Colorado Homeschool Guidebook.
I have been reading through the book of Jeremiah and was encouraged by the truths of Jeremiah 17:7-8 and the implications it has for me, my children, and the ministry of CHEC. This passage says,
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7-8 ESV).
There is no doubt that we are in a time of severe spiritual drought in this country that is swallowing up families, churches, and institutions all around us. This year’s presidential election only serves to underscore this drought.
Another example was the attack on Christian colleges in California this year by way of Senate Bill 1146. Fox News reported that SB 1146 would “close a loophole that lawmakers say allows Christian universities to discriminate against students based on their gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.”
The most shocking indication this year of the drought we are in was President Obama’s order that public schools allow transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. With this order, the LGBTQ agenda’s influence in public schools has reached a new level of power.
And yet, as I consider the fruit of homeschooling over the last 30 years, I can’t think of a more encouraging movement to be a part of. In fact, just a few days ago, a Colorado Representative told a group of homeschool leaders that he believes homeschoolers are the tip of the spear when it comes to the positive changes that are so needed in our nation.
Already, there is really encouraging fruit coming from the first generation of homeschoolers who are beginning to step up to positions of leadership in our country.
Friends, there is hope for the future of America because there is an army of children gathered around kitchen tables who are being nurtured with the truth and values of God’s Word instead of the values that come from Barack Obama or the Department of Education.
Ultimately, CHEC exists to bring glory to God by helping families raise a generation who are taught to obey and trust in God and will therefore continue to bear fruit, even in the midst of this drought.
If this mission is something that you feel is important, would you consider supporting us with a financial gift?
Here are some of our growth goals for 2017.
(These are all in addition to our regular ministry programs, listed earlier, that will be repeated in 2017.)
- Fully fund the salary of the CHEC Colorado Homeschool Legislative Liaison
- Hire a Director of Homeschool Growth
- Develop and produce free online homeschool-help video content
- Launch first Ladies’ Encouragement Day for homeschool moms
Friends, we are up against a public education giant that has been spending over 600 billion dollars per year since 2003! However, we know that God normally uses those with comparatively little strength or resources to bring down the giants that oppose His Kingdom and His people. So we are not about to shrink back!
As God has enabled you, I would ask you to consider writing a check of $100 or $200 or $1000 this Christmas. CHEC needs your support to continue helping families escape the public school system that is sucking their children into the liberal and LGBTQ agenda.
Also, if you have friends or family members who are not aware of the ministry of CHEC, please consider telling them about us and the vital role we play in reclaiming Christian influence in Colorado through promoting Christian home education. We would love to reach and serve many new families, partnering together to reach the next generation.
As a homeschool graduate, I am so grateful for homeschooling and that God is continuing to preserve it as an island of freedom for me and my children.
May God continue to sustain homeschooling through the faithful support and labor of those who value it!
Steve Craig
P.S. CHEC’s primary source of income is your donations. During the month of December, as a special thanks to those who give a one-time donation of $200 or more (or begin a monthly donation of $20), we want to send you Kevin Swanson’s brand new book called Family Life. Click the button below to check out the full list of donor levels and benefits.
P.P.S. If you have finished or are near the end of your homeschool journey, I would encourage you to consider becoming a Homeschool Legacy Partner. Send me an email at to find out more.
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