Interview with Award Recipient Sarah Forney
Homeschool groups play a crucial role in cheering on homeschool families throughout the often arduous race of educating their children. And homeschool group leaders — although their work often goes unnoticed — are key to equipping local families in their God-given roles. This year, CHEC felt honored to award Sarah Forney, the homeschool leader at Hearts at Home, our annual Homeschool Leadership Award.
Sarah, what excited you about homeschooling when you first started out, and how have you been able to share that excitement with others in your years as a leader?
“The freedoms we have to shape the schooling of our kids. I love that you can customize school to fit each of your children’s needs and developing personality and character. We can allow them the space and freedom to become who God wants them to be without the constraints of a set schedule, classes, formats of school, etc. The amount of time we get to spend together and the way that homeschooling has just become part of everyday life for our family are true gifts from God!”
What are some of the roles you have played over the seven years you’ve been involved in Hearts at Home?
“In Hearts at Home, every mom volunteers her time on a team to help with activities throughout the year. I have been able to help plan and participate in family nights, eleven and ups activities, mom’s night outs, and picnics. I’ve also enjoyed serving on the board and now coordinating in order to help our community connect as families, kids, and parents. What fun!”
What ways would you recommend for families to get involved in a local support group, and how has the involvement blessed your family?
“A support group is such a great way to connect with other families. You can share ideas, frustrations, struggles, and joys with one another. Gleaning wisdom from others is a wonderful way to walk this journey of homeschooling. It reminds you that you are in a group of people with similar dreams for their kids even though you might school differently. As my older children have entered high school, it has been a blessing to learn from those who have gone before me.
“My entire family is impacted through our support group. My kids have loved connecting with other kids and sharing their experiences of homeschooling with one another. My husband Steve and I greatly value our friendships we have made with other homeschool parents. God has encouraged us immensely through the community of homeschoolers!”
Thank you so much, Sarah! May God bless you in your service and homeschool!
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