Get equipped for homeschooling in Colorado and enhance your homeschool experience with these products created for you by CHEC.
Shipping is included in all pricing. Or, if you prefer, all products are also available to purchase at the CHEC Office; contact us to confirm office hours. Please note: We do not issue refunds on product orders.

The CHEC Homeschool Guidebook ($34.99)
This tried and true essential resource should be your #1 homeschool purchase this year! Written by veteran Colorado homeschool parents, updated multiple times since first published more than 20 years ago, it will equip you to catch a vision, know the law, and to become the best teacher for your child. Topical chapters filled with ideas for organization, recommended books and internet links, recordkeeping, student-teacher dynamics, and teaching strategies will inform your current year and those to come. An engaging read with practical tools throughout each chapter, you will be inspired to homeschool well and stay the course. Learn more and view an excerpt here.

CHEC Early Years Guidebook ($19.99)
A much-needed, practical, and easy-to-read resource, this was developed to help parents enjoy a loving, learning home dynamic with their infants through second graders. Life is exciting with young ones in the home, but what do you do with them all day that is meaningful and nurturing for their emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual development? Children are a blessing from the Lord and it is never too early to begin enjoying a homeschool lifestyle with them. Ideas for cultivating a daily routine, family reading, creative play, hands-on learning, and recommended resources are included, based on infancy, toddlerhood, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. Six brand-new chapters are combined with two others from the CHEC Homeschool Guidebook.

CHEC High School Guidebook ($19.99)
A step-by-step help for navigating the high school years of homeschooling in Colorado. Taken directly from the CHEC Homeschool Guidebook, this includes just what is needed for those homeschooling during the high school years.
Please note — everything included in this high school guidebook is included in the CHEC Homeschool Guidebook. There is no need to purchase both.

Colorado Civics Curriculum ($34.99)
A 250-page textbook set up unit-study style for grades K–12 that helps toward fulfilling the required civics instruction in the Colorado homeschool law. Learn more and view an excerpt here. View and download a scope & sequence here.

Flag Etiquette workbook ($12.00)
Covers honor and use of the United States flag. (Fulfills the Colorado law subject requirement for students enrolled in independent schools, including the CHEC Independent School.)

The Future Statesman’s Handbook for Godly Government and the US Constitution
(PDF $8, Hard copy $15, or both for $16)
Published by CHEC, this handbook gives your students an engaging overview of law, government, and history from a Christian perspective. Over 40 pages are filled with hands-on activities, fascinating historical facts and stories, and research project starters that are good for a variety of ages. You and your children will gain an enthusiasm for understanding how our country was founded and is run today, and you’ll be equipped to get started making an impact in your own sphere of influence.

Future Statesman Workbooks ($7 each)
Themed workbooks, created in conjunction with the Homeschool Day at the Capitol, are filled with activities and lessons on the Biblical role of government, the US Constitution, and more.
- The Sacred Cause of Our Country
- Who’s In Charge?
- 30th Anniversary of Colorado’s Homeschool Law
High School Graduation Diploma
Certificate only ($6.50) | Hardback cover only ($23) | Both ($28). If you are enrolled in the CHEC Independent School, a cover is $20 or you can purchase both for $23. Click image to see sample diploma.
Christian Curriculum: CHEC’s ministry partner, Generations, publishes a wide variety of Christian curriculum for all ages. Visit the Generations store for the full selection, including:

- America In God’s Providence Set
- God Made Animals Set
- Great Christian Stories for Children Set
- American Faith Set
- Great Christian Classics, Vol. 1 Set
- … and much more